(From The Text) – This book features William Grandmill’s personally constructed Price and Timing Tables. The Price and Timing Tables are designed to use wheat’s fundamental forces to bring more certainty and precision to wheat forecasts. The key points on the wheat price curve are the highest and the lowest prices, and their dates. It is a definite advantage to have a good approximation of the dates and prices of these two points. And it is better still to have that information weeks or months in advance of those dates. With this advance information one can get into the market at a good price, with plenty of time for the trade to mature.
Grandmill’s Price and Timing Tables are designed to give a good approximation of the date and price per bushel at the highest and the lowest points on the wheat price curve, well in advance. What is a “good approximation”? For time, it is to be able to forecast the dates within about two weeks of the real, actual dates of the highest and lowest points. For price, it is to be able to forecast the price within 20 cents of the real, actual price. The best “good approximation” of course would be one which would forecast the exact date and the exact price at these points–and it has happened. But when one remembers that these forecasts are read from the tables months in advance of the actual date, then a target of + or -2 weeks, and + or -20 cents is indeed outstanding.