You may know a lot about the markets. You may even know the major players, when to buy, when to sell, and which stocks have the potential to move.
But how well do you know yourself?
Even the most astute, highly motivated, well-grounded traders can be crippled by counterproductive thinking that leads to poor decisions and trading errors. They suffer from an inability to stay objectively focused or lack the necessary confidence to execute their trades properly. Or they let deeply ingrained mental contradictions and misconceptions about trading or the nature of the market rule their stock-picking.
The result? An extremely high percentage of traders lose all or most of their money within the first year of trading.
Mark Douglas, president of Trading Behavior Dynamics and a widely respected trading coach to some of the biggest names and firms on the Street, has devoted the last twenty years to helping traders develop the confidence, discipline, and winning attitude that it takes to master the market.
For Douglas, maximizing the trader’s state of mind is the key to successful results. Not exhaustive market analysis or the latest fad “system.” He teaches traders to think in terms of probabilities and to adopt the core beliefs necessary to assuming a “winner’s mindset.” Traders in the “zone” don’t need to know–and don’t care–what the market is going to do next. They know what they are going to do next. And that makes all the difference.
In “Trading In The Zone”, Douglas uncovers the underlying reasons for lack of consistently profitable trades and helps traders overcome the deep-rooted mental habits that cost them money. Douglas takes on the myths of the market and exposes them, one by one, teaching traders to look beyond random outcomes, to understand the true realities of risk, and to be guided by and be comfortable with the “uncertainty principle” that governs all stock speculation.
“Trading In The Zone” introduces a whole new mental dimension to getting an edge on the market. Use it to leverage the power of the “zone” for unprecedented profit.